Awesome milestone Niall!

I very much like the intro of this post, nice analogy.

2 years ago I had the big realization I was playing the victim in my own life, blaming everyone and anything for my misery. Ofcourse that's a lie we love telling ourself. It made me switch from a victim to an owner mindset.

It's still something I'm working on today, but that was my reframing of the game.

Happy to follow you here on Substack!!

PS also super cool mission! I love that you share it, I haven't settled on mine yet, but you inspire me.

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Thank you, Marie!

I resonate with your reflection on evolving from a victim mindset to a proactive one. To me, it's a daily muscle that needs working. Thanks for sharing.

Grateful for you sharing your appreciation of the mission. It has evolved for me and I'm sure will continue to evolve. What helped me was paying attention to what lights a sustained fire in me. I'm positive you will find yours by continuing to write and learn.

Glad we connected!

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Apr 5Liked by Niall McGivern

Congrats on the subscriber milestone! That's something to celebrate.

This is something I still do on a weekly basis: "Pointless productivity is when someone is doing “work” that isn’t moving them any closer to their goals. They think they are being “productive” — but in reality, they are engaged in the act of busyness."

We in the Western world value productivity. It's a badge of honour. Of value. Of worth. Though I try to be more ruthless in doing only meaningful work then stepping away from my computer I still feel like I need to spend a certain number of hours working even when the work I'm doing is minor, small impact stuff.

Thanks for the reminder to work smarter as I head into the weekend, Niall.

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Cheers, Jack. I appreciate the message and I'm a fan of the work you do.

I'm right there with you in that boat. It would be sweet if the balance was easy to maintain between productivity and presence, but sometimes it's not. Everyone's situations differ. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach but I think your outer world reflects your inner world — so if important relationships and health are deteriorating as a result of constant striving, it's probably time to reprogram.

Have a great weekend!

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Apr 5Liked by Niall McGivern

Failure is feedback. YES. Love that. Reminds me of the Rick Rubin quote “Failure is the information you need to get to where you’re going”

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It certainly is! Rick is a cool guy and I love learning from his philosophy.

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This is epically done! I'm inspired to live now!

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Thank you, Paolo! Live Free :)

Excited to meet more people like you who are prioritizing what truly matters!

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