Jul 10Liked by Niall McGivern

Well written Niall! I’m glad I came across your words on here. Thank you for taking the time to share your magic with me. Success is a feeling more than an external accomplishment or status. It’s an inside job. It’s something I have been exploring the past 10 years as my definition used to be vastly different. I feel as though I’m coming to find a balanced view now (internal and external). But more than anything it’s feeling at home within myself. I feel you may enjoy reading this piece I wrote on following your own path: https://open.substack.com/pub/soulwisdom/p/the-path-of-courage?r=a9uns&utm_medium=ios

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Thank you, Vipul :) cool to hear that you're definition has shifted more towards intrinsic measures. Keep doing your thing!!

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Niall, my oldest daughter asked me yesterday, "Don't you wish you made a lot of money as a writer?" I said, "No actually. I never went into college hoping or planning to make money. I wanted to do what I love, to be financially comfortable, but not to chase money for its own sake. I'm happy with less." She seemed surprised. Truly, I've lived frugally my entire life and I'd rather have the freedom to make my life what I want it to be than to be beholden to some corporation who drives the number of hours I have to work in order to be wealthy.

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Love that, Jeannie!! We can easily be swayed by trends, emotions, perceptions but trusting our instincts of what success means to us will lead to sustained fulfillment.

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Totally agree with this, “Listen to your inner knowingness. Therein lies your answers. Everything else is an illusion.”

Your becoming lies in being more of what you’ve always been.

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Love that final sentence, Scott. I'm on the same page :)

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Glad it resonated, Niall. Thanks for providing the inspiration for this insight!

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Wonderful read. Thank you. Success is so personal to each of us. I loved reading your newsletter. It's so important for people to get clear about what success really means to them and as you touched on this can change at different stages of your life.

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Yup, it chops and changes as we go but as you said it's important to define it on your own terms. It is easy to get swept up in what goes on around us.

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Yes, it is.

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I have come late to success. I didn’t understand what it was. I am immersed constantly in my creative work. I live healthily, minimally and spend as much time as possible (when I’m not creating or working) reading and absorbing carefully selected books and now finding great writers here on Substack. I have zero time to worry about what others think of me. My week-ends are spent hiking or adventuring. I am utterly in love with my life. I enjoyed this article so much, it resonates like my own heartbeat. Thankyou.

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Your passion for how you are living your life comes through, Kate! Thank you for sharing :) I'm delighted you found this piece. I get the sense you would have a cool story to share as part of my LVN Stories series. Would love to share it if your interested.

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Hi Niall, I haven't read your LVN stories - will have to check it out. Of course, I'd love to chat anytime :)

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Here ya go, Kate - https://niallmcgivern.substack.com/p/lvn-stories

I've made a note to follow up with you. Looking forward to it!!

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I’ve read a few of these Niall, they’re great! I would love to have a chat sometime. Thankyou

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Thank you for this valuable perspective!! I had just typed out a thoughtful response and managed to swipe away and lose it all. Sigh. Suffice it to say, I’m moved by your words once again! You always make me think!

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Not to worry, Rachel. I captured that quote when you shared the article because it resonated with how I see success. "You always make me think." - To me, that is the perfect blurb for my work :) I might use that if you don't mind. Hope all is well. I sent you a message recently, not sure if it came through. Would love to share a story from you in the LVN stories series.

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By all means, use that phrase! It is absolutely true for me, and I suspect for others too!

I did see your beautiful message and I am sorry I have not yet responded. Inbox overwhelm is something I am currently experiencing 😂 and I am not sure what to do about it just yet. Thank you for your lovely invitation. I will see if I can think of a story that might be fitting for the series.

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No sweat, I was only saying to a friend recently how tricky it is keeping up with chats 😅 If you do come up with something, let me know but no pressure :)

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Absolutely Niall.

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Jul 5Liked by Niall McGivern

Love this Niall. “Looking inside awakens” (Jung) isn’t that the best?!

Yes, I have chosen my own definition of success. My life would have been a sorrowful place if I had not followed my heart.

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Makes me happy to know your following your own definition, Teyani!!

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Success looks different at different life stages and including others at various points - parents, siblings, friends, partner children. It's important to review the definition regularly.

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I’m with you there, Lisa! Life is always flowing and so to is what matters most to us.

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Success for me means finding a balance between trying for tomorrow and cherishing today.

Knowing tomorrow can be beautiful but not forgetting to feel gratitude for what is within my reach right now, like this moment

I have let go of the definition of success I was told to follow and believe while growing up

Success for me is knowing not to take anything for granted. I could have more but I could have less too

Living today 'right' is more important for me than all the plannings for tomorrow. This is my success.

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It’s a wonderful mindset, Saima. Consciously taking stock of what we have in our lives, right here, right now. Always something to be grateful for.

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deletedJul 5Liked by Niall McGivern
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Jul 8Liked by Niall McGivern

Yup. I'd say the same.

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You and I share in that, Ryan. I hope you are living that out 🤝

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