This was permission I didn't know I needed. Thank you!!

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Keep paving your path :)

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This was so beautifully written and love the metaphor that runs through it. The path is yours to choose - and yours to embrace!

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Thank you for adding your thoughts, Zan. I appreciate the path you're paving for yourself!

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Love this analogy Niall. You paint the picture very vividly. I can see it and I agree.

But I'm not sure if most of us are sprinting, full force and full focus to the end goal. Some sprint, some go in draf, some walk and some go unleashed.

I think for many the end goal is vague, unclear and their just doing something...

You got me thinking! That's for sure 😊

Loved this edition!!

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Marie, thank you! I welcome different perspectives and appreciate you sharing yours.

I enjoyed how you worded the varying paces and agree that not everyone is moving at the same rate. In affluent countries, mostly in the Western world, I feel the status quo is generally a fast pace and I believe it's largely driven by a desire for more. More material / monetary wealth and status specifically. I don't believe we are born with a desire for this way of living but the society we grow up in ushers us in that direction. Again, this doesn't apply to everyone but by and large, this is what I observe.

Regarding the end goal being vague for many... I think you hit the nail on the head there. I was in that zone. Running a race I didn't want to run but was keeping up with the pack. Taking a step back and gaining clarity on what truly matters to you is so important.

Have a great weekend!

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Amazing ❤️ inspiring ❤️

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Thank you for supporting Paolo!

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Thanks for the kind mention Niall.

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Thanks for leading the way with your ideas.

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Great metaphor, Niall. I was thinking about this a few days ago, as well.

My personal opinion is that western society in particular - our systems, the way they're organized (like schools and corporations and governments) corral people from a young age into boxes. We have to "conform" in order to graduate or get a promotion.

My oldest daughter is in a traditional school setting for the first time this year. She's in 7th grade. Until now, I homeschooled her. I can see the unfortunate results of being in an academic system that uses a token economy to reward or punish kids based on whether they wrote the right thing in the essay or followed all the rules.

It sets us up from an early age to believe we must continue doing things as they've always been done, keep walking that straight line. Do whatever it takes to earn praise and accolades.

It's sad.

Sad that we need to un-learn it as adults. But also good that we have the freedom to do so.

Thanks again for another thought-provoking post.

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Thank you, Jeannie.

There is nothing you've said here that I disagree with. I have followed the reward system and done well in it. I won't knock it entirely because ultimately it led me to the realization that I am more fulfilled creating my own path and has inspired my mission to help others do the same. The good news is that we can choose how we want to lead our own lives as adults and pass the example to children.

Have a great weekend!

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I appreciate your optimism! And the perspective you bring to the things that often frustrate me. Have a great weekend yourself.

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