I fully recognise myself in the “expressing creativity through problem-solving”. I also would not and probably still am not talking about me as a creative person in an artistic sense. But I consider myself a creative problem solver. Which is still a belief I want to shift from since it comes with the pressure and focus on the output rather than the curious process of discovery and DOING!

Would love to read in depths chapters!

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Thanks for sharing your experience, Fabienne! It goes to show that even if we believe we are good at something, that belief comes with its own set of challenges!! It makes me reflect on what benefit beliefs truly serve. Appreciate your support on expanding out my story :)

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I think beliefs - like any behavioural pattern that served as some kind of coping mechanism in the past - can be both: a unique skill and a rather self-destructive vessel. So it's part of the journey to figure out WHEN it can be useful and when it can be left to enjoy some mimosas on a remote beach.

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Ohh a mimosa on a beach... take my money! lol I share a similar sentiment to you Fabienne. Having that awareness of what's serving you and what isn't.. and not being attached either way.

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I really enjoyed reading this. So relatable...the windy road, the questions, the answers and then lots more questions.

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Always questions lol!! Thank you, Lynn. The windy road is right. Stay on it :)

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A journey of messy dots. I love this idea, Niall. Stringing them together in attempt at hindsight, but bouncing from one dot to the next in reality. Such a striking visual!

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Exactly, Martin. We can attempt to make a story in hindsight, but in reality it is a messy collection of moments.

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I really enjoyed reading this Niall and could relate to so much of what you said especially around the messy dots! I have personally struggled with messy because I am such a linear thinker and thus expect linear outcomes. Rarely does that ever happen (especially in business), and the more I have the expectancy of a specific outcome, the higher the probability that it will in fact not materialize! I'm learning to embrace the non-sensical, the messy and all of the uncertainty that comes with it because possibility emerges from being in a state of receptivity. It we are too focused on the outcome, we may miss the beautiful opportunities, places and people that are being placed on our path.

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Right there with you on that journey, Mary. I too can be linear in my thinking and as you referenced progress / goal attainment is rarely black and white. I like how you referenced being open to what happens. This is way of being that I am learning to adopt more often. Thanks for your reflection!

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Niall, before I got to your poll, I thought, "Niall needs to write a book about his process and journey!" You have all the elements of a great foundation with your chapter outline! I hope you consider doing this. It would be of great value to others.

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Good to know I would have one person who'd be interested lol... Jokes aside, as you know publishing books is part of my plan. I agree with you that there's a foundation there. The question for me is about timing. When is the right time to publish a book based on my journey? I still feel like I'm only at the very beginning. There's definitely something there though.

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Niall, that's always a question when you write non-fiction. If you still feel like you have more to learn, then just be watchful and keep writing. You will know when the time is right, and if you need some extra coaching or clarification, there are so many great people who work with writers for that. I'll be standing behind you, cheering you on!

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That's it, Jeannie. I feel confident that I am on the path and that the more I stay true to it the clearer the right book or timing is going to reveal itself. Appreciate your support as always!

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